Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Launching of Ops Sikap XXIV and Home Safe Campaign

Launching of Ops Sikap XXIV and Home Safe Campaign by YDH Dato' Mohmad Bin Salleh on 23rd August 2011. Wishing everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and always drive safe and be patient when on the road.

 it has a 260km/h meter on it so better keep your legal speed limit ;)

 This is something new ;)

 Speech by YDH Dato' Mohmad Bin Salleh to remain everyone to be patient and obey all rules when drive on the road and home safe for everyone.

 Distributing helmet and safety awareness material to motorist at the Sungai Besi toll plaza.

 The first few motorist was caught off guarded and thought it was a road block and thinking what kind of trouble they are in but phew! it was just a safety campaign ;)

 Distributing awareness material to all the bus passenger. But i think they make a mistake since those passengers is not driving hehe

It will be nice if the entire police force can smile like our lovely police lady ;)

Task complete! now let's go mamak stall and continue our safety planning.

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